6 Guaranteed Ways to Honor Parents and make them smile, not cry

6 ways to Honor Parents

At the end of this Bible study are 6 guaranteed ways to honor parents and make them smile, not cry

6 Guaranteed Ways to Honor Parents and make them smile, not cry Read More »

15 reasons to love these Unique chronological Bible studies

unique chronological Bible studies from your Bible

I’ve come up with 15 reasons to love these unique chronological Bible studies. Most importantly, they cover all of the Word of God, are easy to understand and apply. These unique chronological Bible studies can be used with your own Bible, and seek to keep the intent of each author’s message intact. They are more cohesive than other chronological Bibles and guides. Read more reasons in this post.

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New life–from despair to peace

For this post, I chose to feature a Bible study found at this link. Most of us have times when life seems hopeless–failure to find a mate, a job, losing a family member, or even a divorce. Jesus Resurrection is a message of new life and hope. He can bring peace from despair if we

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Jesus’ Crucifixion; Love in Spite of Hate

Jesus suffers a hate crime Jesus’ crucifixion today might be considered a hate crime. Religious leaders hated him. He threatened their positions in society, challenged their hypocrisy and beliefs, did miracles they could not discredit and was popular with most people. They knew they had to get rid of him. Late at night, therefore, they

Jesus’ Crucifixion; Love in Spite of Hate Read More »

11 unique Bible types for your enrichment

11 Unique Types in the Bible for your enrichment What is a Type? A type is a figure, whether a person or thing, representing something or someone else in striking similarity. Here are 11 unique types in the Bible: Adam is a type of Christ Romans 5:14; 1Corinthians 15:45 “So it is written: ‘The first man Adam

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Getting Back on Track

At the end of winter, baseball season is almost here. Several players who played poorly last year are looking to get back on track. How do they do that? What about us—have we failed or lost discipline in our lives? Today, we will look at how we can get back on track in our spiritual

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How to live up to God’s Expectations | Are Numbers Important?

man with outstretched arms wonders how can I please God

  How to live up to God’s Expectations; Are Numbers Important? How can we live up to God’s Expectations? Some believe it’s impossible. Others try very hard. But, is there a way? What do you think? Can anyone live up to God’s expectations? Are numbers important? If we exceed a certain number of good works,

How to live up to God’s Expectations | Are Numbers Important? Read More »

How can we worship God better? Learning from Leviticus

What questions do you have about worshipping God? Did you know there was a whole manual written about worshipping God? The book is called Leviticus. Leviticus can be tedious to read. The sacrificial procedures no longer apply because they were symbols of things to come. Still, these symbols are rich with meaning and help us

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How to survive Situational Depression and hope for those who persevere!

depression, voices, self-criticism-1250870.jpg

My wife’s hysterics, severe anxiety, insecurity, and controlling nature were hard to understand. Although she couldn’t help it, no one in our family knew what we were dealing with. What was wrong? Where was my wife? Where was my kids’ mother?

How to survive Situational Depression and hope for those who persevere! Read More »

The End of Struggling

 Day 25, January 25 An often-stated philosophy says you need to fight to get what you want in this life. This is a philosophy that the Biblical patriarch Jacob embraced. But, is it always right? Is there a better way? What do we do when we are facing a fight too challenging for us? When

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