Creation or Evolution? It’s an easy choice | Introduction to Genesis

Introduction to Genesis and creation

Creation or Evolution? It’s an easier choice than you may think. Join us for this introduction to the book of Genesis and discover things you may have never thought about.

Creation or Evolution? It’s an easy choice | Introduction to Genesis Read More »

Stop the hate and bring peace | Try these 6 Ways

crying woman

We hear or experience hate from different factions and violence that erupts. Politics can’t solve it. And, it doesn’t just happen “out there. ” No, it’s in many homes and places of work. It’s distressing, and it can make us cry. Why all the fighting? Why all the dissention? Don’t you wish that we could

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Good Friday | Why did Jesus die | Pain With A Purpose

Why did Jesus die? That is a question many ask. The answer is that it was pain with a purpose. What do I mean? I wrote a Good Friday poem for Passion Week to illustrate it. Pain with a Purpose Our world is a mess. It was in Jesus’ day, too. Tired of corruption, perversion,

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“5 Interesting Views on The Biblical Age Of Accountability”

Maybe you or someone you know has had a miscarriage or has lost a child. That is extremely painful. The grief is beyond words. If that has happened to you or to those you love, I am deeply sorry. No one can replace that person in your heart. You want to see him or her

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3 time management tips to make you more effective

time management tips

Here are 3 time management tips to make you more effective in your spiritual life, family, work, or hobbies

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7 Profound Elements of the Lord’s Prayer

praying hands

Here are 7 profound elements of the Lord’s prayer. These comprise a pattern for all Christ’s disciples to follow but not liturgically.

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Interpreting Bible Prophecy; 6 Essential Things You Should Know

looking in the chronological Bible

In interpreting Bible Prophecy, here are 6 essential things to know

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7 characteristics of the one True God

7 characteristics of the one true God

Most people’s understanding of God is hazy like a nebula in space. Is there one true God? What is he like? Here are 7 characteristics of the one true God

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Satan’s Influence; 7 things we should know about him

Satan and his influenc

Satan and his Influence. Who is Satan? Does he exist? How is he operating in this world?

Satan’s Influence; 7 things we should know about him Read More »

How to bring Ultimate Peace to Your Soul–5 steps

woman, country side, hat-792818.jpg

What can bring ultimate peace to our souls? Are there any steps we can take?

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True or False Religion–How can we tell?

How can we tell what is true or false religion? If people come to church regularly and give money in the offering plate, are they religious? If they give to the poor or charitable organizations, are they devout? Is true religion determined by our traditions? Is it measured by our sacrifices of time and money?

True or False Religion–How can we tell? Read More »

Good and Evil | Our Purpose in Life; 6 Simple Answers

good and evil; our purpose in life; 6 simple answers

In Genesis 1-3 there are 6 simple answers about good, evil, and our purpose in life

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Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children

family matters

5 Reasons Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children

Why Family Matters; Design, Love, Divorce, Remarriage, and Children Read More »

15 reasons to love these Unique chronological Bible studies

unique chronological Bible studies from your Bible

I’ve come up with 15 reasons to love these unique chronological Bible studies. Most importantly, they cover all of the Word of God, are easy to understand and apply. These unique chronological Bible studies can be used with your own Bible, and seek to keep the intent of each author’s message intact. They are more cohesive than other chronological Bibles and guides. Read more reasons in this post.

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Jesus’ Crucifixion; Love in Spite of Hate

Jesus suffers a hate crime Jesus’ crucifixion today might be considered a hate crime. Religious leaders hated him. He threatened their positions in society, challenged their hypocrisy and beliefs, did miracles they could not discredit and was popular with most people. They knew they had to get rid of him. Late at night, therefore, they

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How to live up to God’s Expectations | Are Numbers Important?

man with outstretched arms wonders how can I please God

  How to live up to God’s Expectations; Are Numbers Important? How can we live up to God’s Expectations? Some believe it’s impossible. Others try very hard. But, is there a way? What do you think? Can anyone live up to God’s expectations? Are numbers important? If we exceed a certain number of good works,

How to live up to God’s Expectations | Are Numbers Important? Read More »

What is Right? How can I know?

Man wondering what is right and how can I know

What is Right and How Can I Know? What is right? In our relative, godless society, the answer to this question is blurred. The philosophy of the 21st century seems to be “what is right for you is right for you, and what is right for me is right for me.” Indeed, we have become

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How can we tell if a revival is genuine, false, or manufactured?

How can we tell if a revival is genuine, false, or manufactured? Knowing what the Bible says about revivals helps us determine whether one is real. The Bible explains the need for revivals, the proper attitude for revivals, and some examples of revivals and their results. Posted at

How can we tell if a revival is genuine, false, or manufactured? Read More »

Consider Your Ways: Be Wise, not a Fool

Day 111, Chronological Bible Study Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): 1Samuel 25 Consider Your Ways; Be Wise, Not a Fool We have all done foolish and irresponsible things. The effects of these actions are sometimes harmless and at other times, dangerous. Of course, hindsight is always 20-20;

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How to Live with and Love Difficult People

young woman wondering how to live with and love a difficult person

How do we live with and love difficult people? That is the subject of our text: Romans 12: 17-21   I. Living at peace with everyone In the park ministry yesterday, Mario, one of our deacons, talked about how Jesus is the vine and we are the branches (John 15) and how we then produce

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Are We Godly? 6 ways we can be sure

young man praying

Six Evidences of Godly Character What is godly character, and how is it demonstrated? If we see people praying, does that mean they are godly? Perhaps. Prayer is undoubtedly a good start, and we need God’s Spirit’s help to have a righteous character. We will soon see that even Jesus got alone to pray to

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Spiritual Gifts | How to Use them for God’s Glory | Prophecy

holding up the Bible, the authority for prophecy

Spiritual Gifts I thought this message by Pastor TJ Hahn, “Spiritual Gifts | how to use them for God’s glory| Prophecy” was very well presented from Scripture, so I am sharing it with you, today. I would be interested in your response. Thanks, Rod Harrier Scripture: Romans 12:3-8Review:Last week we saw that offering up our body involves sacrifice

Spiritual Gifts | How to Use them for God’s Glory | Prophecy Read More »