Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? 

Who is Jesus? This is an issue of debate around the world. Who is Jesus? What do you think?


One summer day, I was at a skateboard park in Louisville, Kentucky helping a friend with his snow cone ministry. Each person who wanted a free snow cone was to answer a question: Who is Jesus? If they didn’t know much about him, I briefly shared the gospel as they stood in line for their free snow cone. My friend followed my lead as he scooped up the flavored ice-cold treats. We heard all kinds of answers, but the one that surprised me the most was from an American woman in her 60s saying she didn’t know anything about Jesus. 

I was dumbfounded! “You mean you never heard of him at weddings or funerals,” I asked. 


“Didn’t you ever hear a preacher on the radio or watch Billy Graham on television mention his name?” 


This was going to be quite a challenge. I thought everyone had heard of him. If you were waiting in line for your free snow cone, what would be your answer to the question, who is Jesus? 

Jesus Challenged Religion and Changed the World 

Did it need Change? Yes, because humanity corrupted his original creation with his sins. In fact, as you may know, it became so corrupt that once God already destroyed the earth with a global flood. This gave humanity a new start but sin still remained in the hearts of Noah’s descendants. 

Their sinfulness didn’t surprise God because he knows how weak we are. God had already planned a solution to crush Satan and save our souls. God sent his unique Son into the world to save them from sin and destruction and restore the relationship between them and himself.

How did people receive Jesus? His own Jewish people rejected him. They didn’t know what to do with this penniless miracle worker with questionable lineage. But day by day he was growing in popularity and became a threat. Yet many Jews received him and as many as received him, he gave the rights to become the children of God (John 1:12). That means that one day, he will take them to live with him forever in eternity. He connected truth to life through his ministry and message. 

Jesus loved ordinary people.  He didn’t spend much time with the Pharisees and Sadducee, the elite religious leaders of the day. He was one man who challenged religion and their traditions. 

At one point Jesus asked his disciples, whom do men say that I am. 

They answered, Some say a prophet, some say you are a great teacher.

Jesus then said, “And who do you say that I am?” [that’s the all-important question, isn’t it?]

Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ [the anointed one or Messiah], the Son of the Living God [this would mean he is equal with God and carrying out his Father’s will]

Jesus said that’s right Peter, no human revealed that to you but the Holy Spirit of God did. 


Jesus’ Ministry and Message were Transforming

Jesus came to give us spiritual life and help us live more abundantly. Yet, we know that doesn’t always happen. We mess up! But, Jesus is right there to help. 



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