Rodney Harrier

Portfolio of Rodney Harrier, a Christian Content and SEO writer

Portfolio of Rodney Harrier, a Christian Content and SEO writer

On this chronological Bible studies website, one of the many things he writes about are individuals suffering from depression and then offers some hope. Mental illness is just as important to understand and treat as any other affected body part. However, because of the shame associated with it, it is only in recent years that it is coming out of the closet.

This is a portfolio of Rodney Harrier, a Christian Content and SEO writer. He creates, edits, and applies the best search engine optimization (SEO) to articles, as the screenshots with SEO reports at the end illustrate.

Most Recent Articles: What Does Scripture Say about Revival? featured at

Why Does the Day of Atonement Matter Today? featured at

Articles on Depression and Hope, a part of the portfolio of Rodney Harrier

Being there for a person who is depressed is important. Picture of one person holding the hands of another

Depression is one form of mental illness stemming from various causes. However, Rodney’s family has gone through depression, so in the end, he includes a personal story that he hopes will help those who suffer and those who care for them.

Reactions to Adverse Circumstances

Depiction of Job as he sits among the ashes in his depressed state while his 3 friends debate his faults

This first Bible study is from the life of Job: Job lost his business, family, and reputation within a week. How did he react? His response is very unusual. As his friends, how should we react? Please read it here

Responding to those who Suffer

Golden Apple

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. (Proverbs 25:11, ESV)

The second Bible study talks about appropriate words we can speak to those suffering. Ever wondered what to say? Afraid you will say the wrong thing? This Bible study will help. Read more.

The Reality of Suffering Depression

Most of the rest of Job talks about all he suffered in graphic detail, both his mental and physical suffering. Added to his pain were the insensitive, know-it-all comments of his friends. Frequently, there is no immediate fix, and the pain continues for some time. How can we endure it? How can we be true friends to those who suffer? You will find these dialogues on Days 7-15, beginning here.

Rewards for Perseverance

In the end, God straightens out Job’s thinking and rewards him for his perseverance through this severe trial. He is never told why he had to go through that. Maybe you or someone you know feels that way, too. Is there any answer? Look on Days 16-17

Depression is no respecter of Persons

Another character who suffered from mental illness (depression) was King Solomon. He had everything, but even the rich could suffer this illness. This short series begins here, with the topic, Some Causes and Cures for Depression, Day 158

Hope for the Depressed and Those Who Care for Them

woman crying in her depressed state

The last article featured is from his wife’s experience with depression and, to an extent, she still has it. She has agreed to let me Rodney share this story to help others, and it’s called how to survive situational depression and hope for those who do. 

If you want to connect with Rodney Harrier about a writing assignment, email him.

Screenshots on Success with SEO

In 2024 Google Analytics overview recorded 31,100 visitors and 3,000 were new. Many visitors from all over the world come and visit, and they are all welcome. I am continually improving these Bible studies, and adding audio versions as I am able. In 2024 most of the book of Genesis and all of the book of Job were complete. Here are a couple of screenshots showing success in creating organic monthly traffic, organic keywords, and backlinks. Many more conversions will follow when money is spent on advertising by this not-for-profit organization. ranks #1 after paid advertising, and Rodney could help your organization rank higher than it currently stands.

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